Sunday, May 25, 2008


lolcats - Caption a Kitten -

Still here. Still counting. Almost out of my 'teens'. If my LID was a person, she could legally drink in Ontario.
So....cosmos for everyone!! Only one for me, though. Must keep my wits about me for the next ????? months until Jordyn finally comes home.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day is Not for Me

I don't like Mother's Day. There. I said it. It's not my day....yet. There's always a feeling of dread. How many more of these will I have to go through until it's my turn? I know it's a 'made up' holiday, a Hallmarkian money grabber, but still. I had my second miscarriage a month before Mother's Day in 2000, and I hated having to still be nice to my mom on that day. I wanted to crawl up in my bed and stay under the covers. I wasn't ready to celebrate my mother that day, because I had so recently lost my child, and my second chance to be someone's mother. (sorry Mom....but you probably understand).

Today I read something I like. It's from someone else's blog, but I can't remember whose (a sure sign that I read too many!) If this is from your blog -- thanks.

This is me, and so many of us:

A Waiting Mother is a mother of a truly special nature.
She waits for her children, day after day, with a tenacity that sometimes defies logic.
She waits for her children, because she knows they are coming, somehow, someway.
She waits for her children, because she has no choice, her destiny is to be their mother.
A Waiting Mother is no less a mother, simply because her children are not here.
She carries her children in her heart, and A Waiting Mother knows, it will only be a matter of time until she carries them in her arms.

Maybe one day.....

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