Monday, December 25, 2006

Still nameless, but oh, so cute!

Little kitten is adjusting nicely to his new surroundings. He's absolutely fearless, and will jump, climb and bat at everything. So far, no major structural damage to the apartment.

Yesterday was an adventure, as we went to visit our friends, Mario and David. Kitten explored their house freely, and ate his first meal of tuna. He hadn't yet eaten anything at my place, and I was getting worried. Thank goodness that Italian Uncle Mario is such a great chef, and created the fabulous "tuna on a plate", which kitten devoured.

Since coming home last night, I'm happy to report that he's now eaten some kitten food and successfully used his litter box (I'm such a proud mom).

Now...for the challenge -- I'm including a list of possible names for the little critter (I'd name him Critter, but that's the name of the magical dragon in my classroom!) I'm taking a general poll - -what do you think of these names?

Kitten Names:

Dexter (dexterous, skillful)
Quinlan (strong, well-formed, athletic)
Nicky (sort of St. Nicholas – got him 2 days before Christmas)
Cola (a form of Nicholas)
Dunstan (name of a character from a book I like)
Kalen (mighty warrior)

I'm having trouble posting more pictures today, but I'll try again later.

To my friends celebrating Christmas today, Merry Christmas! To those not celebrating, have a great day off!


Catherine said...

Merry Chrismas Cari!

Cute little kitten. I like the idea of a name representing Christmas since you got him so close the Christmas. Guess 'Holly' is out since you refer to 'him.' :o)

If you'd like to email me I can give you more info about who I bought the stroller from on ebay. I just checked and he has a couple for sale right now.

Norma said...

Hi, Cari,
Dexter would be an appropriate name for a cat - or Quinlan. Findlay reminds me of Finbar, a kitten in the Emerald Isle books by B.J.Hoff - love those books! I would suggest Jasper but I have a nephew by that name - also my grandpa's name (deceased before I was born). Have I made the decision any easier? :)