Thursday, December 07, 2006

Farewell to my precious Tyler...

Hi all -- I haven't posted in a long time. Firstly, I had no new adoption news to share, and I still don't. Hoping to have an LID soon.

On November 22, 2006, I had to put my beloved cat, Tyler, to sleep. I adopted her from the Toronto Humane Society on November 3, 1991, at the age of 7 weeks and I've had her ever since. She had started to get really sick, and had lost lots of weight - at the end she was only 6 pounds, and really teeny. She was suffering from severe anemia (probably as a result of an undiagnosed cancer) and kidney failure.

I always knew when the time came that I'd put her to sleep. I know that animals don't ponder their own death, and that Tyler wouldn't be wondering if this visit to the vet would be 'the one', but it was still an incredibly painful and difficult decision. I stayed with her, and I'm very glad I did. She went very quickly and peacefully. The vet made a 'paw print' out of clay, and I was able to pick this up last week. I'll put it in a frame with a picture of her.

I've been so grateful to my many supportive friends and family during this really difficult time. I had a friend come to the final appointment with me, and then spend the day with me, nicely diverting my mind from the trauma (Thanks, Mar), and other friends who have been with me during some pretty major emotional crises (thanks Mikey, Rob, Mario, Andy, Ro, Cat, Marce, Sherrie -- actually, too many people to mention here, but if you're in my life, I'm pretty grateful to you right now!!!)Funny how during such a difficult time one can feel so lucky about other things.

I've been missing her so much. I'm so used to coming home and finding her running to meet me at the door, sleeping with me (on me!) at night, being generally noisy and making her presence known. (she was a pretty noisy girl!) I miss her watching me getting ready for work in the morning, mewing for her breakfast (and snacks) and getting a drink of water from the bathroom sink. It's absoluetly no fun coming home any more.

Here are some pictures of Tyler - -most of them taken during the last weekend of her life. My absolute favourite was taken about 5 years ago, when I had a pet photographer come to the house. It's the one with her sticking her tongue out -- hilarious!


4D said...

I am sorry to hear that. Our furry babie are such an important part of our lives and we bond with them. Take care and take things one day at a time.

Keep smilin!

Norma said...

Cari, I can really feel with you as I am possibly looking at the same with my dog (8.5 year old Chihuahua I have had since he was 11 weeks). It's not his health, though, it's mine - he's at the kennel for 12 days to help me figure out if he is the problem and the house is so empty - I keep expecting him to come begging for my dinner or wanting to curl up in my lap or wanting to outside or . . . well you get the picture. I don't think he would adjust well to going to a new home so I think the kindest thing to him will be to euthanise him but I can hardly stand the thought. Hopefully, it won't come to that.

Tao's Mommy said...

Oh Cari, you have had a tough time lately!! ~~HUGS~~ I have only had to go through that 1 time and I dotn ever want to do it again!! We had a dog for 18 years and she was doing the same, losing weight, losing control over her body functions and was just on the downhill. We finally made the decision and the vet actually came to the house when we were all gone and put her gently to sleep and took her away!! Now Mandy sits on the mantle at the lake in her was tough, but why make the dog suffer anymore!!
I have no idea what I will do when the time coems with my dog now...Saige!! She is 6.5 and I have had her since she was 5 weeks old. One thing I know that "helps" is to get another cat/dog, so that will be my plan fursure. I too hate coming home to a "empty" house and these little fur friends are our BEST BUDS!!
I feel for you and give you credit for staying with your cat...That is too cute that you got Tyler's paw print...great idea!!!
I know with time your heart will heal, so try and keep busy and your chin up!!
Keep us posted

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about Tyler...I only met her twice, but I know how much you loved her. Just remember that you did it to end her suffering. You are going to make the best mommy - you are so amazingly compassionate. Call me if you want some cheering up - I'll try my best.