Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Jordyn's Baby Registry

There's been so much stress with this whole adoption process that I've had a difficult time realizing that I'm actually going to have a baby. I don't know exactly when, but at some point, there will be a little person in this house.

I think dealing with all of this stress and having such a lack of control over the entire process can take some of the joy out of the baby world. So...I decided to have some fun, and create a baby registry for Jordyn! I always said I never would 'register' (not really my style) but I had such fun putting it together --'virtually' shopping for my girl.

It's so easy for this whole process to knock the wind out of you, and suck the joy out of having a new baby. I'm grabbing some of the joy back! I don't really care that it will be at least 2 years until I see Jordyn's beautiful face. I want to do things for her (and me, I guess) and thinking of things that she will need is comforting.

So...for whoever's interested, I've posted the link in the sidebar (although I'm having trouble with it today - I hope I've done it correctly!) Check it out!!


Tao's Mommy said...

Good for you!! I havent done one and actually there isnt much that I havent boughten already so I probably will have to pass on the registry!! The only thing that keeps me going right now is the RETAIL THERAPY and I'm one out of control Mommy-to-be!!
Tried to check your registry out and no luck!!! Let me know if you get it going again!!
Have fun and good luck!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea to plan like that for Jordyn! It makes things seem more real,even if they are far away.....Have fun shopping!

Janet T.