Saturday, January 06, 2007

Paula Zahn and the CNN Fiasco

Did anyone watch the CNN piece on Chinese adoption? It was supposed to be about the new laws and how they will affect prospective adoptive parents. The clip was part of a larger episode about discrimination. Is it okay to reject parents because they're overweight? Because they are single? Because they have a 'facial deformity'?

The panel discussion was a joke. It quickly dissolved into a 'why are people so obsessed with chinese babies?' opinion poll. Why aren't people adopting babies from the States? Apparently, we adoptive parents want little 'porcelain China dolls' who will be smart and grow up to be doctors. We want Chinese babies because their 'health is so good'.

The Chinese adoption community is now in quite an uproar. CNN is going to get lots of nasty emails questioning the validity of their erroneous statements. A lot of people are very angry and offended.

Personally, I would have loved to adopt domestically, but was told that as a single mother, to 'forget about it'. If I want a chance to have a baby, then foreign adoption is the way to go, and the Chinese system is very predictable. (well, as predictable as adoption ever gets!)

I want to have a child. I want to raise a baby to be a productive, happy adult. I would have loved for that child to be Canadian born, but that's very unlikely. I would have looked at the USA for an infant, but the adoption costs are double that of what I will spend for China.

Do I expect my Chinese daughter to be perfect, angelic, healthy, brilliant. Well, sure...we all have these dreams for our kids, whether we give birth to them or not. The bottom line is that I will accept my daughter for whoever she is: her health problems, should she have them, will be dealt with. We'll adapt to any behavioural problems she might have. If she's extremely bright, I'll be very proud - if not, I'll get her a tutor, and encourage her to work up to her potential, whatever that might be. My child will be who she is...and I'll love her no matter what.


Special K said...

Click over to Rumor Queen's site to get her take on it. She has some very valid points about our trust factors with news sources.

I didn't see it but went back and read the transcript after all the ruckus started floating around the web. I was outraged. It was absolutley ridiculous and blatantly racist in some of the ignorant remarks made. RQ has a bunch of places listed to lodge complaints with. I sent mine.

Natalie & Daniel Arsenault said...

my sentiments exactly!


Unknown said...

Hi Cari

We did'nt see the CNN segment but have heard more than enough to be completely outraged. It seems to be typical of the hype over substance journalism (I use the word in the loosest possible terms) that CNN and others have unfortuneately made a fortune with. Pity

Smiling anyway,

Liam and Sherry-Lou

Monica said...

Hi Cari,

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! I'll be sure to visit yours occasionally for updates - I love the times we live in!

If we don't communicate again before I leave for China, have a wonderful birthday (I know we'll have a great day that day too).

Edmonton, AB

Norma said...

I wonder what Paula and her panel would say about those of us who are "expecting" special needs children - what about the "healthy, beautiful" girls, then?

The luckiest mommy in the world said...

It stirred up quite the emotions didn't it. They don't know who they are dealing with. Us China moms band together and

(leaving Jan 28th)

Tao's Mommy said...

Hi Cari,
Send me an email....I lost your email address!!

Carolyn said...

Hi Cari-
I think I might have accidentally erased your comment on my blog- oops!
Thanks for visiting- this blog thing is really fun!

Anonymous said...

Cari -- well, the babies may be perfect, but the rest of the world sure isn't. I'm glad you're finding some clarity amongst the nonsense of daily life. (Don't forget to send us info about "Virginia".)