Sunday, June 03, 2007

It's A Small World...(sing along!)

Today was a really cool day! Through the wonderful world of blogging, I was able to reconnect with old friends of mine (T and J) from high school. They came across my blog by accident and got in touch. Turns out that they're also adopting from China, we have the same agency, and even used the same social worker! (cue the song and creepy Disney doll things)
We got together today (haven't seen each other for 20 years - yup, we're officially old) and had a lovely day. They prepared an AMAZING brunch for us (I brought DateBoy with me - -he went to high school with them too) and introduced us to their super boys, Little G and A-man. So cute!! We discussed all things adoption, caught up on the doings of old friends, and went for a walk at a local street fair.
It was so great to see my old friends....and I'm so excited for them because their referral is just around the corner! It won't come this month, but will likely (she said cautiously) come next month. Soon, Little Baby A will be seen by her family, and by friends new and old. I'm so thrilled that we've reconnected and that we have another friend to play with. Also, it's always nice to talk to those who truly understand what the long adoption road is like. Only those who have travelled this path really know what it's like.

I'm also stealing a cool idea from T. She's marked each passing LID month with a ladybug stuck to the baby's door, and I'm doing the same! (she gave me the rest of her ladybugs, hoping that she won't need anymore...well, maybe one more). These adorable bugs are from the dollar store, and my friend T has 18 on her door. I'm thinking that I might end up with 30, which is just too sad to contemplate. Right now, let's start with seven.

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4D said...

It is a small world! Fun stuff!

Keep smilin!

M and M said...

Now I can't get that tune out of my head...It will be there forever!!

How cool that you reconnected with old friends!!

I SOOO hope there are not 30 ladybugs on your door...

Middle-Aged Moi said...

What a cute idea with the ladybugs!!! I will chime in with the hope that you won't have 30 on your door too!

Polar Bear said...

Wow! It sure is a small world. That is so neat that you were able to reconnect with friends who are on the same journey!!

I LOVE the ladybut idea. I may have to snag that one. :)

Unknown said...

What a great idea.. I have been looking for something like this to do. I was going to find nice prints of Chinese numbers to add to a wall, but this looks much easier..Have a great Day!!!!

Do you mind if I steal the idea from you?

D & S said...

You're not kidding about it being a small world. Love the ladybug idea.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Love the ladybug idea! We are LID 10-27-06. Congrats on having 7 months down!

Terri said...

Congrats on the rekindling of friendships! I recently had a similar experience. I am stealing the ladybug idea! Very cute.