Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thanks to everyone!

I've been having major adoption stress lately. Just feeling like I'm standing in a line that's never moving, and I might not get to the front of the line for 2-3 years yet. As my bloggy friends, and other fellow adopters know, it's incredibly frustrating and maddening. Most of us have been waiting for a child for many, many years, and now that documents have been sent and everything is done...we wait.
My last post was pretty depressing, and I recieved so many supportive comments from friends and strangers. It was awesome! The support in this community is like no while this whole process sucks the life out of you, there are those moments that breathe it back in.
Thanks everyone.

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M and M said...

We're here for you. It seems everyone is on a different cycle of highs and lows - there is always support from somewhere!

Tao's Mommy said...

Ahhh girl!!! I know its hard, and it gets frustrating. We are all in this "journey" so remember you can always count on us!! Jordyn will just takes time. Hey...."good things happen to those who wait" keep your chin up!!!
Sending BIG HUGS!!!