I've Been Tagged!!! (The Nickname Files...)
Well, I've been tagged by Rhonda (aka, 'Fluffy Pretzel') to reveal any nicknames that I may have. Ok....here goes!
Well, truth be told, technically, Cari is a nickname itself. My given name is "Carol", which I never liked, or felt connected to. Friends started calling me Cari when I was a child, but I didn't officially change it until university. Legally, I'm still Carol, but there are lots of documents now (credit cards, pay cheques) that have 'Cari'. I really like my name now!
Along with my 'regular' name, there's always the usual 'Care-Bear' sorts of things that folks named Carrie/Kerry/Cari/Karen/Carol/etc always get. I also get 'Cari-Cat' and 'Cari-Care' from some folks. My parents used to call me 'bear' when I was a baby, and that still creeps up now and again.
As for 'private' nicknames, other than the standard 'Sweetie', and 'Cutie', DateBoy and I are still too new to have other, more..um...interesting nicknames for each other. When we do.....I'll be sure to keep them to myself!!!
I now tag Kim, Catherine, and Julie.
I call my daughter "Bear" all the time! :-)
I have a friend named Carol that we call CAS - don't know why - just do!
So many care bears, so little time.
Care bear is a pretty standard one with Cari's eh? Like jilly Bean with me...
Ya I didn't get anything as cute as a care bear. I have many nick names, one of the least flattering ones is instead of Elizabeth; Lizard-breath.
Cari suits you better than Carol.
I have only met you once but you are right, you don't seem like a Carol to me.
Alex would like to remind you that you are sometimes called k-k by one of your youngest friends! :-)
You don't seem like a Carol to me. Cari seems to suit you much better, and care bear is cute too. You could switch off depending on your moods... Grumpy, etc...
Never met you but I think Cari suits you better than Carol. This is the first mention I have seen about DateBoy on your blog - how did the weekend go - beside flat tires?
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