Saturday, August 12, 2006

Cottage Getaway for a Day!

Firstly, an apology to friends who have been wondering why I haven't written in awhile. Basically, there's been nothing to say! I haven't yet heard from the Ministry about approval, so I'm still waiting for that. In the meantime, I've applied for my passport (which should arrive early next week), written my letter of request, and started taking the necessary pictures which must go to China as part of my dossier. Busy, yet nothing's happening!

I had the opportunity to go up to Rob's family cottage with Rob, Mike and Lorne. I was only there overnight, but it's amazing how being at a beach can be so healing and energizing!

The big surprise of the trip was on the way up...I was following Rob's excellent directions (go north...), and as I approached the cottage area, I noticed a red SUV behind me. The thing was trailing me for awhile, making me pretty paranoid, as I was getting to the point in the directions where full attention is required (turn at the post, just ahead you'll see a hobo...make a quick left). I decided to pull over to let the red beast pass...and when it didn't, I was somewhat miffed. A quick look to the left, and there was Rochelle and the kids!!! They were visiting a cottage on the same street as Rob's cottage. Hilarious coincidence!!

The beach was simply gorgeous. Hadn't had my feet in sand for ages -- a great feeling. At the end of the trip (Thursday morning, before I had to come back to the city), Michael and I went for a walk. He climbed this huge boulder, and was quite triumphant! Yay!
Michael might have more interesting things to say about our cottage visit. Check out his blog here.

Much thanks to Rob and Michael for welcoming me to the cottage -- I needed that!

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