Friday, March 16, 2007

A Letter for my Daughter

I was cleaning out some old paperwork and came across this letter that I wrote to Jordyn this past August. I was at a friend's cottage, and was just enjoying the sun and fresh air -- this is what I wrote:

Dear Jordyn,

Today, a butterfly came to visit. I watched it flying on the beach, and it looped and flopped in great circles. She must have been tired, because she came and sat on a clump of grass right beside me. As she caught her breath, I had a chance to take a good look -- a beautiful Monarch, black and orange, with the most delicate specks of white.
One day, you will see such a butterfly, and I bet you'll chase it. Maybe you'll call it - "Come here, Butterfly, and play with me!" I'll remind you to be gentle, that butterflies don't particularly like playing with little girls. You'll say, "Oh, Mama, I'm always gentle."
I'll teach you about butterflies. How they start out as caterpillars, rest in their cocoons for awhile, and then emerge as butterflies. You'll say, "How do they do that Mama? Why?" I'll tell you it's the way they are.
I won't tell you yet that little girls are like butterflies too. When you come home to me, you will be transforming from a caterpillar into a butterfly. What kind will you be?
I won't tell you yet that little girls in Canada are lucky, because they can become caterpillars and butterflies many, many times in their lives. I hope I can teach you how to move slowly and cautiously, like a caterpillar. How to take time to rest, think, and change. How to emerge as a beautiful butterfly time and time again, as you grow from baby, to child to woman.
I'm going to watch butterflies a lot more carefully from now on.

Love, Mama


4D said...

That is so lovely!

Keep smilin!

Special K said...

Made me a little teary. I talk to my daughter sometimes. Usually at night when I'm looking up at the stars. I should write letters instead. What a great keepsake for her someday.

Julie said...

Brillint and beautiful! **sniff**

Catherine said...

Beautiful letter! What a treasure your little butterfly will be.

About the Waiting Mommies Dinner - please come! The more the merrier and it is an ever changing and growing group. Please email me (my email address is on my blog) and I'll add you to my group.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Liz and Ava said...

Happy St. Patty's Day.
Saw you comment on Catherines blog...hey if we can't find a mommy in waiting dinner to crash maybe we should arrange one ourselves...would love to meet some mommies in waiting.

Jill and Jaap said...

Beautiful letter!

Hope to see you at a dinner!

Liz and Ava said...

Maybe we should get a singles group going too...will need lots of support(different than couples) once we get our little sweeties home...maybe then it could flow over to a play group for the kids...just a suggestion, if you're interested.
email me @

M and M said...

What a great letter for you to be able to share with her one day.

Norma said...

That is such a sweet letter! I started out writing my blog to my girl but it doesn't always end up being that kind of posts. I want to handwrite the very first post to go in her Lifebook. BTW, I like the new look of your blog!

Jill and Jaap said...

hi Cari, Sure you can link the blogs.